We've done a few events with Tales of the Seven Seas a pirate re-enactor group. These folk are a fun "crew". The whole thing started when we bought one of the Governor Swann hero costumes from Disney after the first Pirates of the Caribbean film (see under historical). We also have a pirate group that runs around at the Bay Area Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention. The groups overlap a bit at times. Now we have two more personas to play with: Commodore Philip Ashe (flagship 'Draco') and Captain Anne Flint (aka Awful Annie). Not having time to do much from scratch and still wanting to go to events, I had to do some 'thrift store costuming' for these characters when the high end pirate gear we ordered in May kept NOT arriving as promised. A sad tale not suited for this venue. Here are the bought items and their suppliers:
Cold Weather Gear We wanted to go to the Holiday Parade with the crew, but were hampered by the fact that the afore mentioned cold weather gear was not showing up. Therefore a trip to the thrifts for some old leather coats.